​For people who plan to live
on the planet and maybe
even have kids there

Third Act NC
CommunEcos is working with others to build a Triangle Chapter of Third Act-North Carolina in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill region. Third Act -- thirdact.org -- is a new national climate action organization co-founded by Bill McKibben aimed at people of retirement age. Third Act aims to tap the deep experience and energy of the largest generation of American seniors in history. Many in our demographic are highly motivated to act on climate change to preserve a liveable planet for generations to come.

We are interacting with other NC chapters and Third Act National to grow our statewide constituency of seniors and people approaching retirement who reflect the diversity of our state and have a lifetime of experience to bring to bear on the problems we face.
Members of the Triangle Chapter partner with other groups and state regulators to accelerate Duke Energy’s transition to renewable energy generation, to reform banks that fund fossil fuel infrastructure, to stop fracked-gas pipelines; to end destruction of our coastal forests by the wood-pellet export industry, and to demand stronger regulation of the hog industry in southeast NC which generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that pollutes the waterways of the region. Also, we support ongoing advocacy to defend the rights of people in local communities to vote freely and without fear.
Members of Third Act North Carolina recently celebrated our "Launch" with a Zoom webinar on the evening of Friday, February 24, featuring Bill McKibben, Donna Chavis, a lifelong activist from Robeson Co. and Jeremy Friedman, Third Act’s national organizer who will help us strategize to push Duke Energy to clean up their carbon plan.